Imperium Insurance Against I

  • Imperium Insurance Against I

    In the realm of the mighty, where the thunder of profit and the lightning of regulation clash in a symphony of gain, we carve our saga in the titanium heart of empire. This is the tale of conquest, of supremacy over frailty, of bounty culled from the fields of unpredictability. I-ya, behold the subject of…

  • Social D(eath)

    Social D(eath) is a virtual social media platform turned competitive game that simulates the intense dynamics of online interaction and reputation management. It’s a world where players must maintain a delicate balance between popularity and cancellation, striving to stay relevant without becoming too polarized. As the name suggests, Social D(eath) is a place where social…

  • Phygitial Symbiosis

    Introduction The rapid advancement of technology has brought about a fundamental transformation in the way knowledge and information are generated, stored, and transmitted. In today’s digital age, information has found a new embodiment within networks, leading to a proliferation of complex knowledge structures. This essay aims to explore the profound impact of technology on the…

  • Tokenized Media is Reshaping the Internet

    The internet is a living, breathing entity. It’s a complex adaptive system (CAS), a dynamic network of interconnected parts that continually influence and adapt to each other. It’s a system that evolves, learns, and grows, much like a living organism. And right now, it’s on the cusp of a significant evolutionary leap – the rise…

  • The Last Network

    The Last Network is a 2019 novella by ChrisF exploring VR/AR technology. Technology has a terrible hold on us, and it’s only getting worse. It’s in our homes, it’s in our minds, but it wants more. It always wants more. With each new innovation, Silicon Valley peers deeper into our souls, taking control, and pushing…

  • Crypto Neo-Paganism And Generational Time

    Contents Introduction: Embracing the Digital Ripples of History In the ever-evolving landscape of the digital revolution, cryptocurrencies have emerged as transformative forces, beckoning us to explore their curious resemblance to the pagan systems of yore. Like the intricate tapestry of ancient beliefs and decentralized power structures, the sprawling network of cryptocurrencies embodies a pluralistic ethos,…

  • An Alien Tweets Among Us

    The Shocking Truth of Cryptopunk #2890 is a report commissioned by the Starholder Institute, based on a cache of 250,000 documents that claim to be from a planet called Wen. The report analyzes the information and determines that Cryptopunk #2890, also known as The Alien, is a sentient being from a distant galaxy who has infiltrated Earth…

  • Alexander Davies

    Alexander Davies is a visionary entrepreneur, author, and public speaker, known for his fervent passion for oysters and their transformative power. Davies’ tumultuous past includes a history of scandals and crimes, but his life changed when he discovered the unparalleled wisdom and enlightenment that oysters provide. As a result, Davies founded the upscale oyster bar franchise…

  • 11efta pwns you

    In the year 2018, Artemis, a town nestled in the heart of the Pacific Northwest, thrived on the electronic pulse of digital life. The city was a modern-day reflection of the rise and fall of Blomass, a once-dominant software company from the 90s and 00s, that had not only shaped the city’s physical landscape but…

  • REKT

    Get REKT Here: In Paperback at Amazon For Kindle Free Ebook (EPUB file for iOS & more) Free PDF REKT: A Crypto Hallucination by Chris Furlong Set in the bubble of 2017, REKT is a provocative page-turner that warps its characters to the destabilizing logic of life inside cryptomania. A partnership is tested as a…